This is an ongoing recreation and Concept Visualisation of the concept Baphomet, a fanmade Boss for the F2P game Warframe by Digital Extremes.
The design really spoke to me and I tried my hand at doing a first basic 3D bust of the head. After that I kept going, encouraged by the approval of the original artist at Warframe Forums, Silverbones.
Here is the concept:
First I began sculpting the head in Sculptris using the images for reference, matching the point of view and angle as best I could.
From basic shape recognition I added small details and worked the larger shapes that identify the character in the concept drawings.
First iteration. Body and texture paint in Sculptris.
The same head but rendered and cleaned up a bit in ZBrush.
Detailing and tightening the sculpt, both to fit the reference and developing a visual oncept of my own.
Further testing with posing of the body led me to the following results.
A walkpose done in ZBrush with a temporary weapon.
Next I need to work on the body and the sword, as well as the Hound Merihem.